
The garden as literature / literary gardens : notes on Barbara Frischmuth's garden diaries

Verfasst von: Toegel, Edith
in: German studies review
Tempe: 2009 , 267 - 278 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Toegel, Edith
In: German studies review
Jahr: 2009
Sprache: Englisch
Although Frischmuth’s garden books give the appearance of a new genre for the novelist, they in fact represent a continuum of her literary tradition. Moreover, Frischmuth argues that the qualities essential for the successful gardener resemble those of the writer. The three volumes display the creativity and the characteristics unique to Frischmuth’s fiction, a free flowing interchange of the imaginative and the real, thereby creating a seamless connection between the human and the natural worlds. Frischmuth calls this her assoziative Nicht-Methode. Her garden books are one more splendid illustration of that distinct literary technique.
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