Too old to become a mother? : risk constructions in 35+ women's experiences of pregnancy, child-birth, and postnatal care
Verfasst von:
Kelhä, Minna
89 - 103 S.
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Einrichtung: | Ariadne | Wien |
Verfasst von: | Kelhä, Minna |
In: | Nora |
Jahr: | 2009 |
Sprache: | Nicht einzuordnen |
Beschreibung: | |
The pregnancies and child-births of women in their 40s are often defined as risky within medical institutions. These women become diagnosed on the basis of their biological characteristics and thus defined on the basis of their older bodies' possible incapability to produce a healthy child. They are considered as in need of thorough prenatal testing during their “risk pregnancies”. Antenatal preparation involves engaging with others who are perceived to be medical experts. This article examines the experiences of pregnancy, child-birth and postnatal care of middle-class women who have become mothers after the age of 35. The aim is to analyse how the interviewed mothers perceive their process into motherhood in the midst of discourses concerning their age and the medical risks attached to it. Furthermore, the article investigates, from a class perspective, the ways in which the interviewed middle-class mothers talk about medical expert advice and their possible strategies of resisting it. The article draws on 14 life-history interviews with Finnish mothers. | |
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