
Resisting definition : gendering through interaction and relational selfhood

Verfasst von: Shotwell, Alexis [weitere]
in: Hypatia
Bloomington: 2009 , 56 - 76 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Shotwell, Alexis; Sangrey, Trevor
In: Hypatia
Jahr: 2009
Sprache: Englisch
This paper argues that trans and genderqueer people affect the gender formation and identity of non-trans people. We explore three instances of this relationship between trans and non-trans genders: an allegiance to inadequate liberal-individualist models of selfhood; tropes through which trans people are made to stand as theoretical objects with which to think about gender broadly; and a narrow focus on gender and evasion of an intersectional understanding of gender formation.
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