
Feminist virtue ethics, happiness, and moral luck

Verfasst von: Friedman, Marilyn
in: Oppression and moral agency : essays in honor of Claudia Card
Malden: 2009 , 29 - 40 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Friedman, Marilyn
In: Oppression and moral agency : essays in honor of Claudia Card
Jahr: 2009
Sprache: Englisch
Can men who dominate women nevertheless be happy or lead flourishing lives? Building on Claudia Card's exploration of moral luck, this paper considers the belief that male dominators cannot be happy. The discussion ranges over both virtue theory and empirical research into the "belief in a just world." I conclude that there are reasons to avoid believing that male dominators cannot be happy or flourish, and that feminism does not need that belief.
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