
Writing from the fringe of Empire : understanding the gaps, silences and underlying whiteness in Jane Sarah Doudy's literary works

Verfasst von: Hancock, Janette
in: Women's history review
Wallingford: 2010 , 435 - 450 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Hancock, Janette
In: Women's history review
Jahr: 2010
Sprache: Englisch
Jane Sarah Doudy was a writer who often wrote to project an image of an ideal colonial community. Embedded within this literary construction were very clear ideas about cultural norms, colonial patriotism and racial hierarchies. Her literary works, however, have been shelved and forgotten for the better part of seventy-five years. They have been revisited here to provide a fresh new site for acknowledging the political, cultural and historical significance of white settler women's narratives and for understanding how one woman's 'dialogue of domination' reveals much about the complex interracial boundaries and relationships that often occurred on the fringes of empire.
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