
Disability and the individual talent : adolescent girlhood in "The pillars of the house" and "What Katy did"

Verfasst von: Hale, Elizabeth
in: Women's writing
Wallingford: 2010 , 343-360 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Hale, Elizabeth
In: Women's writing
Jahr: 2010
Sprache: Englisch
This essay examines how Charlotte Yonge and Susan Coolidge suggest that temporary disability is a crucial stage in the development of talented teenage girls. During periods of enforced disability, Yonge's brilliant artist, Geraldine Underwood, in The Pillars of the House (1873), and Coolidge's word magician, Katy Carr, in What Katy Did (1872), gain self-mastery and mastery of their talent, and become the heart of the house. Disability thus symbolizes the struggle to come of age for intelligent and talented young women in books for young readers.
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