
Political discussion, views of political expertise and women's representation in Italy

Verfasst von: Campus, Donatella
in: The European journal of women's studies
London [u.a.]: 2010 , 249-267 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Campus, Donatella
In: The European journal of women's studies
Jahr: 2010
Sprache: Englisch
Italy is one of the advanced industrial democracies with the smallest number of women elected to public office. Current literature has focused on several structural, institutional and cultural factors to explain such a gender gap in political participation and representation. However, one of the most basic forms of political participation, political discussion, has not received a thorough investigation. This article analyses gender differences in the attitudes and the habits of talking about politics with relatives, friends and social acquaintances during the Italian 2006 electoral campaign. The main argument is that the analysis of political discussion may shed new light on how Italian women approach politics and help explain their reluctance to be involved in political activities in terms of elected office and party membership.
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