
Die Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen : die Rolle der Kategorie Geschlecht in den Demokratisierungsprozessen in Ost- und Westeuropa seit 1968

Verfasst von: Kraft, Claudia info
in: Gender & 1968
Köln ; Wien [u.a.]: 2009 , 13 - 30 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Kraft, Claudia info
In: Gender & 1968
Jahr: 2009
Sprache: Deutsch
The text takes a closer look at the year 1968 and its aftermath in Central and Eastern Europe and places the different political and social protest movements in a broader transnational perspective. In doing so, it aims at a reinterpretation of this year for the history of Eastern Europe. “1968” is not so much seen in a diachronic perspective (as the forerunner of the processes of democratisation in 1989) but analysed with regard to the contemporary framework of political and social programmes. Thus it stresses synchronous developments and similar political concepts which allow a comparison between the generations of “1968” in East and West. The text especially focuses on gender equality as well as on gender as a symbolic marker of power relations. It argues that gender equality had played an important role in the reform concepts of 1968 – shaping discussions about the relationship between liberty and equality. During the 1960s, gender equality was discussed not only in regard to women’s emancipation but also in a broader understanding that evaluated the possibility of equality in difference and called for new concepts – especially that of a new masculinity. The meaning of gender equality however differed a lot during the two decades following “1968”. Whereas in Western societies the second women’s movement developed into one of the most important new social movements, the category of gender in the oppositional movements of Eastern Europe disappeared behind the allegedly more important struggle for ‘universal’ political and civil rights. Here the private did not become political but the private sphere was more and more regarded as a specific sphere that had to be protected against the intrusion of official politics. It was not least for this reason that feminism did not develop into an accepted political strategy until today.
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