
The meaning of a kiss : different historiographical approaches to the sixties in the Netherlands

Verfasst von: Bosch, Mineke
in: Gender & 1968
Köln ; Wien [u.a.]: 2009 , 51 - 63 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Bosch, Mineke
In: Gender & 1968
Jahr: 2009
Sprache: Englisch
In this article the famous kiss in 1969 that was exchanged between the first public gay writer in the Netherlands, Gerard Reve, and the first female state Minister of Social Affairs, Marga Klompé, is the starting point for a discussion of different historiographical interpretations of the Sixties in the Netherlands. On the one hand this era is understood to be the product of a double generation crisis, or a clash of generations in the centre of which was the post war protest generation. On the other hand the lack of violence in the ‘clash of generation’ in the Netherlands is explained by Dutch Calvinism that reacted with sympathy rather than with anger to the rebellious acts of young people as somehow ‘in God’s plan’. In the first interpretation the light falls on Reve who bravely trespassed boundaries of bourgeois decency. In the second interpretation it is Klompé who sympathetically ‘endured the act’. Bosch points out that the popularity of the concept and theories of the clash of generations is reinforced by the terminology of the Sixties, so that much of the historiography is stuck in Sixties’ discourse about angry young men. But perhaps the Sixties was more of a process, or more of a succession of small, sometimes individual or even private revolutions, such as the use of the contraception pill, or the General Assistance law issued by Klompé that made it easier for women to divorce. Such interpretation is perhaps less courageous, but leaves more room for women and their agency in this era.
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