
Geschlechterregierung und politische Ökonomie : Was Adam Smith damit zu tun hat, dass Frauen heute weniger als Männer verdienen

in: Blut, Milch und DNA
Köln ; Wien [u.a.]: 2010 , 119 - 133 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Michalitsch, Gabriele info
In: Blut, Milch und DNA
Jahr: 2010
Sprache: Deutsch
Embedded in the theoretical framework of Michel Foucault’s concepts of government and governmentality, the contribution focuses on gender and gender relations in Adam Smith’s works. Herewith, Smith’s writings are dealt with as an example of how gender government informs early political economy which, by way of tradition building, informs economic thought even nowadays. Thus the contribution aims at debunking the masculinism inherent to contemporary economic thought. Identifying Smith’s strategies of engendering and de-gendering, of gender’s nomination and omission, the analysis relies on four levels: Firstly, Smith’s masculinist rhetoric in the context of the “brotherhood” of Scottish Enlightenment, secondly, the reinterpretation of – at Smith’s time dominant – female connotations of luxury and “doux commerce”, thirdly, his hierarchically related constructions of masculinity and femininity, and finally, fourthly, their consequences for contemporary economic thought.
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