
Unkeuschheit oder wirtschaftliche Notwendigkeit? Diskursive Spielräume im Umgang mit Polygamie zwischen Naturrecht, Täufern und Westafrika

Verfasst von: Brauner, Christina
in: Saeculum
Freiburg: 2011 , 99 - 139 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Brauner, Christina
In: Saeculum
Jahr: 2011
Sprache: Deutsch
Discourses on and conceptions of marriage are always connected to conceptions of social order in general. Based on this assumption I analyse the European discourse abaout polygyny in early modern times by compaing the patterns of interpretation and explanation that were used in two exemplary cases. That ist, on the one hand, the polygyny in the Münster Anabaptist Kingdom and the marriage practices European observers were confronted with in West Africa. The paperaddresses tow questions: first, it scrutinizes the different conceptions of gender which the discourse on polygyny is based on; secondly, it focuses on the diverging possibilities ("leeways") of explaining or even rationalizing polygyny. To what extent different actors of various rank and status, at varoious points in time (etc.) had different possibilities to speak about polygyny and explain it? How far were such attitudes towards polygyny influenced by the religious or 'cultural' affiliation of the polygamists in question?
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