
Parity in France : a "dual track" solution to women's under-representation

Verfasst von: Murray, Rainbow
in: West European politics
Ilford: 2012 , 343 - 361 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Murray, Rainbow
In: West European politics
Jahr: 2012
Sprache: Englisch
As the world's first country to adopt a ‘parity’ quota, France could be considered an example of the growing phenomenon of quotas as a ‘fast track’ solution to the problem of women's under-representation. French universalism had impeded a more ‘incremental track’ to gender equality whilst placing a constitutional ban on quotas. The design of ‘parity’ as a means of overcoming these hurdles was both normative and pragmatic. Parity could be considered an example of a symbolic policy, where grand claims were made early on but the corresponding legislation only became effective over time. While the practical constraints on parity have delayed its impact, the recognition of the need to ‘legislate equality’ has had a more profound impact, leading to the creep of parity into other areas such as ethnic minority representation and parity in the workplace. This broader societal change is indicative of a ‘dual track’ to gender equality.
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