
The representation of domestic violence in spanish cinema

Verfasst von: Wheeler, Duncan info
in: The modern language review
Cambridge: 2012 , 438 - 500 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Wheeler, Duncan info
In: The modern language review
Jahr: 2012
Sprache: Englisch, Mehrere Sprachen
This article charts the historical relationship between art and reality in the depiction of domestic violence in Spanish cinema. It begins with a discussion of the socio-historical background, alongside a theoretical and empirical discussion of the connections between film and intimate partner abuse. This background material grounds detailed readings of Solas (Benito Zambrano, 1999), Sólo mía (Javier Balaguer, 2001), and Te doy mis ojos (Iciar Bollaín, 2003). These case studies widen the frame of debate, and help contextualize the final sections, which return to the question of how screen representations and lived experiences have impacted on each other in recent years.
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