
Eleanor Anne Porden's "Cœur de Lion" (1822) : history, epic and romance

Verfasst von: Johns-Putra, Adeline
in: Women's writing
Wallingford: 2012 , 351 - 371 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Johns-Putra, Adeline
In: Women's writing
Jahr: 2012
Sprache: Englisch
This article examines the medievalist epic Cœur de Lion (1822), by Eleanor Anne Porden (1795–1825). The author reads this poem not simply for the way it draws on exhaustive research, but for the way it treats this research, invoking yet sidestepping the demands of historical accuracy. Specifically, Porden grapples with the challenges of representing Britain's chivalric past, exploring whether to adopt the feminized trappings of romance or to align herself with the objectivity of historical epic. In choosing the latter, Porden must struggle, further, with the challenge of transforming the historical Richard, moral blind spots and all, into an acceptable epic hero. Porden's struggle, heroic in itself, cannot help but work its way into the text. As such tensions come increasingly to express themselves as a conflicted relationship between poet and hero, Porden seeks resolution or, at the very least, relief in romance.
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