`Voglio sedurre quelli che stanno di là' : same-sex tourism and the manufacturing of queer elsewheres
Verfasst von:
Atwood, Christopher
Italian studies
425 - 443 S.
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Weitere Informationen
Einrichtung: | Ariadne | Wien |
Verfasst von: | Atwood, Christopher |
In: | Italian studies |
Jahr: | 2012 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Beschreibung: | |
This essay examines queer writers’ representations of North Africa, focusing especially on Franco Buffoni’s novel Zamel (2009). In the Maghreb, the same-sex tourist sees a land of primal (s)excess where the norms of home — exclusive heterosexuality, homophobic violence, and monogomous coupling — need no longer apply. Crossing the Mediterranean, this subject hopes to flee the discursive borders (gay versus straight) that supposedly domesticate desire in Italy. Eros not bound by either/or labels is thought still to flourish in North Africa. Turning to the Maghreb, the Italian same-sex tourist longs to approximate the homoerotics Italy once housed. North Africans do not represent for the Italian tourist an impossibly distinct Other but rather are made to signify a return to Italy’s imagined erotic past. While certainly questioning the progressivist plots of Europe’s LGBT movements, where the act of coming-out is considered equivalent to the forward-movement of history, Zamel presents North Africa as a land of sexual surfeit and archaic eros. It continues, that is, to repeat colonial scripts. Who is allowed to travel? Who, instead, gets made into a ventriloquized metaphor of eros’ erratic stray? | |
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