
Gendering Spain's humanism : the case of Juan de Lucena's epístola exhortatoria a las letras

Verfasst von: Weissberger, Barbara F.
in: Speculum : a journal of medieval studies
Cambridge: 2012 , 499 - 519 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Weissberger, Barbara F.
In: Speculum : a journal of medieval studies
Jahr: 2012
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
The role that class and ethnicity played in the self-fashioning of the professional men of letters who shaped fifteenth-century Spain's humanist project has been the subject of intense scholarly scrutiny for over fifty years. It was José Antonio Maravall who first demonstrated that the so-called letrados had a “conciencia estamental,” a class consciousness derived from their indispensable roles as administrators, advisors, diplomats, and chroniclers in the service of the crown. Subsequent scholarship showed that part of letrado self-consciousness resulted from the hostility of Old Christian noblemen toward these ambitious non-noble, university-trained men, many of them New Christians or conversos. One way in which the aristocracy stigmatized the intellectual pursuits of the letrados was in fact to call those endeavors “Jewish.”
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