
"Jede unglückliche Familie ist auf ihre besondere Art unglücklich" : Erziehung, Gewalt und Familienstrukturen bei Heinrich von Kleist

Verfasst von: Allan, Seán info
in: Études germaniques
Paris: 2012 , 119 - 131 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Allan, Seán info
In: Études germaniques
Jahr: 2012
Sprache: Deutsch
Although the family in Kleist’s work is often depicted as the locus of violent conflict, this should not be seen as a rejection of enlightened models of humanism ; for the violence that occurs is never arbitrary. In Die Familie Schroffenstein, Die Marquise von O…, and Der Findling the main protagonists are all forced to confront their capacity for evil. Yet it is precisely Kleist’s insistence that moral freedom consists in the capacity to choose not only good, but evil too, that constitutes the genuinely radical character of his œuvre as a whole and situates it within contemporary paradigms of Kantian ethics
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