
Symbols and meanings in brest cancer awareness campaigns

in: Nora
Oslo: 2013 , 140 - 155 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Johansen, Venke Frederike
In: Nora
Jahr: 2013
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
This article examines symbols and meanings in breast cancer awareness campaigns, and the ways in which multifarious actors draw attention to the disease. We discuss what the various campaigns and initiatives can indicate, above and beyond creating breast cancer awareness. Our data stem from sources such as printed material, the Internet, and events. From these sources we have singled out and explored objects, text, and visual expressions, looking in particular for metaphors and symbolic aspects. In this article we present six “images” indicating the underlying patterns that we found. We have called the images Re-enchantment of femininity, Infantilization, Corporate profit-making, Objectification, Transgression of boundaries, and Exhibition of deviation. These are further discussed in the light of perspectives drawn from the social sciences and feminist theories. One of the article's key arguments is that breast cancer campaigns, to a great extent, build upon and reinforce traditional, stereotypical gender roles.
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