
"Und gut, dann ändert man halt seinen Körper" : Intimchirchurgie zwischen Medikalisierung und Rohstoffisierung

Verfasst von: Meßmer, Anna-Katharina
in: Gender
Leverkusen: 2013 , 9 - 23 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Meßmer, Anna-Katharina
In: Gender
Jahr: 2013
Sprache: Deutsch
The sociologically much debated developments in the field of beauty enhancement have reached the female genitals. Techniques of female genital cosmetic surgery and vaginal rejuvenation include labiaplasty (labia reduction and beautification), mons pubis reduction, vaginaplasty (vaginal tightening and vaginal reconstruction after birth) and G-spot amplification. “Biological defects” and “medical necessity” are used to legitimize these operations. Embedded in the context of medicalization, blurring boundaries and the commodification of bodies, new medical technologies of the Self are emerging. Using the approach of discourse analysis, this paper refl ects on the framework of possibilities opened up by genital surgeons through their advertisements. Additionally, it analyzes how newly-created potentials of freedom enter elective affinities with sedimented perceptions of femininity and economized rhetoric and self-realization techniques.
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