
Women, work, and learning : discord between policies and practice

Verfasst von: Cavanagh, Jillian [weitere]
in: Journal of women, politics & policy
Binghamton: 2013 , 219 - 237 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Cavanagh, Jillian; Fisher, Ronald M. info
In: Journal of women, politics & policy
Jahr: 2013
Sprache: Englisch
This article presents an exploration of women workers in general legal practice in Australia. An examination of workplace policy documents provided the foundation for this study. Specific data were examined relative to the work and learning experiences of nine senior auxiliary workers from three legal workplaces; data were extracted from interviews, observations, and reflective diaries. The women's voices confirm that espoused affirmative action prohibits and represses any discrimination against women, but learning policies do not provide educational opportunities for auxiliary employees. Managers and legal practitioners need to consider inflexible milieus and renew policies that align with practice.
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