
Virginia Woolf's Happiness

Verfasst von: Martin, Kirsty
in: Essays in criticism
Oxford: 2014 , 394 - 414 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Martin, Kirsty
In: Essays in criticism
Jahr: 2014
Sprache: Englisch
Woolf has tended not to be associated with the creation of happiness, and is probably known much more for extreme unhappiness than for any efforts towards contentment. Whilst some critics have recognised ‘the range of her pleasure in thinking and being’, in her work happiness often comes in glimpses of contingent delights rather than a determined creation. She describes her ‘most important memory’ as lying listening to the waves and watching the light in the nursery at St Ives, and feeling ‘the purest ecstasy I can conceive’, and links this to a sense of wonderment: ‘It is almost impossible I should be here’.
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