
„Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern…“ – Körperkonzepte in Mariendarstellungen : eine Gegenüberstellung der Lourdes-Maria mit Werken von Max Ernst und Cindy Sherman

in: Materialisierungen des Religiösen
Leverkusen: 2015 , 27-43 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Hartmann, Mareike info
In: Materialisierungen des Religiösen
Jahr: 2015
Sprache: Deutsch
The Virgin Mary plays a central role in Christianity. On the one hand, she is a woman with nearly divine status with whom other women can identify. On the other hand she was (and still is) the ideal of womanhood, calling women to model their lives on Mary, virgin and mother in one person. No other image has influenced ideas of Mary as much as the statue at Lourdes. Installed in 1864, it has since become the prototype of Catholic images of Mary and has achieved a nearly sacrosanct, unquestionable status. So far, no one has reflected upon what kind of (body) image and thus ideal is presented, especially to women, in this statue. What might have been understandable and relatable in the ecclesial and artistic context of the nineteenth century may no longer be acceptable today. Thus this article first asks, which ideas of embodiment this image of Mary represents visually and, apparently still acceptable, which concept of body is associated with them. Second, the statue of Lourdes is confronted with alternative images of Marian bodiliness by Max Ernst and Cindy Sherman, showing the critical potential that Mary retains today.
Anmerkungen: Seite 41-43
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