
Vivere in guerra : le donne nella storiografia italiana (1980-2014)

Verfasst von: Bianchi, Bruna info
in: Krieg und Geschlecht
Innsbruck ; Wien ; Bozen/Bolzano: 2014 , 67-97 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Bianchi, Bruna info
In: Krieg und Geschlecht
Jahr: 2014
Sprache: Italienisch
Living in Wartime. Women in Italian Historiography (1980–2014). In the first part of this article, the author considers the scant attention paid to the case of Italy in the international historiography and the lack of space accorded to the situation of Italian women in both histories of World War One and general gender histories. The main part of the article reviews and comments on the results and trends in historical research with regard to a number of themes: women’s work (in factories, in the fields, in urban centres, at the front, and behind the lines); forms of protest; living conditions among female refugees and internees, as well as those who remained in the occupied zones; and women’s experience of violence and trauma. The last section is devoted to women’s engagement in civic and patriotic mobilization, and in the interventionist and pacifist movements. In looking at the various themes, the author makes constant reference to the international historiography. Finally, the author evaluates the historiographical gains made in the last thirty years and identifies a number of possible areas for new research, such as demographic changes, the situation of women in southern Italy and the islands, and the immediate post-war years.
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