
Girls rising for human rights: : Not magic, politics

in: Journal of International Political Theory
Edinburgh: 2016 , 26-41 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Ackerly, Brooke A. info
In: Journal of International Political Theory
Jahr: 2016
Sprache: Englisch
“Girls rising” offers a grounded, critical, and human rights theory of political responsibility for global injustice. This theory of human rights tells us not just what rights are but how to take responsibility for bringing about their enjoyment for all. It grounds a theory of human rights in the political view of human beings as fundamentally relational and human rights as fundamentally collectively enjoyed. Using girls’ education activism as an illustrative issue area, it outlines five political practices and what they tell us about how to take political responsibility for human rights, in a rights-based way.
Notes Seiten 38-41
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