
American woman : Feminine Speech and the Reformation of National Identity Through Female Community in Louisa May Alcott’s "An Old-Fashioned Girl"

Verfasst von: Stover, Deanna
in: Women's writing
Wallingford: 2018 , 80-94 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Stover, Deanna
In: Women's writing
Jahr: 2018
Sprache: Englisch
The insecurity of American identity in the years immediately after the Civil War added to fears about the dissolution of a simple, “old-fashioned” American past. Louisa May Alcott in particular worries about the Frenchified influence of “The Girl of the Period,” a fear that she addresses in An Old-Fashioned Girl (1870). After the Civil War, Alcott saw an opportunity for women to play an essential part in the creation of a revised American identity. This article argues that the “Old-Fashioned Girl” embodies what Alcott sees as a more American value system while inspiring cultural and social change. In contrast to Republican motherhood, in which women gain power through influencing their husbands and sons, Alcott emphasizes a rhizomatic female community where women gain power through their influence on and support of other women. Furthermore, the old-fashioned girl crosses age and class boundaries by building an identity and community that Alcott characterizes as distinctly American; through their speech, women (and girls) can help render not only the home but the nation “what it should be.”
Notes: Seiten 91-94
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