Der absentierte Mann: Zur figurativen Dominanz des Weiblichen in der Vertreibungsliteratur (Denemarková, Katalpa, Tučková)
Verfasst von:
Kliems, Alfrun
Zwischen nationalen und transnationalen Erinnerungsnarrativen in Zentraleuropa / herausgegeben von Lena Dorn, Marek Nekula und Václav Smyčka ; unter Mitwirkung von Lena-Marie Franke
131-151 S.
Weitere Informationen
Einrichtung: | Ariadne | Wien |
Verfasst von: | Kliems, Alfrun info |
In: | Zwischen nationalen und transnationalen Erinnerungsnarrativen in Zentraleuropa / herausgegeben von Lena Dorn, Marek Nekula und Václav Smyčka ; unter Mitwirkung von Lena-Marie Franke |
Jahr: | 2021 |
ISBN: | 3110717581 |
Sprache: | Deutsch |
Beschreibung: | |
The essay discusses the narrative of the absent man in recent Central European literature of expulsion (“Vertreibungsliteratur”), thus reflecting the striking figurative dominance of the female. The novels of Radka Denemarková, Jakuba Katalpa, and Kateřina Tučková depict the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after 1945. Across historical ruptures, they employ similar narra-tive figures reflecting a discomfort with gender constellations in representations of expulsion until 1989. Male figures were mostly shaped territorially as heroic settlers and colonial rulers. Meanwhile, Denemarková, Katalpa, and Tučková represent them as being set apart or forcibly removed from their stories. They are figures on the stories’ margins: mute victims, vanished persons, missing family members, dead men. I refer to this narrative pattern as the absent man. It serves as a dominant reference of female survival and frames conflicting ideas of nation-alism and (post)socialism, of family and collective memory. More specifically, the novels discriminate in their treatment of the well-known, dominant chord of male figures as perpetrators, occupiers, and invaders. Altogether, their aesthetic strategies seem to both revalue and, at the same time, mystify some motifs of the expulsion. Indeed, they use the topos of pregnancy which is contaminated with betrayal and guilt. Envisaging expulsion, death, and pregnancy, their female characters create matrilineal communities of narration, and preserve (or refuse) home as a biological identity. The essay attempts to fix some aspects of this inter-play by using concepts of latency, haunting memory, and reproductive future. | |
Anmerkung: | |
Enthält Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis auf Seite 149-151 | |
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