
‘That splendid body of women’: nursing, professional registration, and suffragette militancy

Verfasst von: Martz, Linda info
in: Women's history review
Wallingford: 2020 , 1000-1015 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Martz, Linda info
In: Women's history review
Jahr: 2020
Sprache: Englisch
In the decades before World War One, a group of women fought for their right to control their own futures, claiming that their governance was in the hands of men whose interests lay in keeping women subservient. Initially articulated by an educated, middle-class few, the women's demands were embraced by widening numbers of both women and men. They saw their hopes dashed on several occasions by political manoeuvring, and only after WWI did their demands begin to be met. This is not an account of the women’s suffrage movement, but rather of the fight for the registration of trained nurses. Both movements claimed the right of women to be actors in their public lives and both faced public condemnation for transgressing social boundaries. The two movements interacted, with nurses connecting their struggle to the wider call for women's rights, and with the suffrage movement foregrounding nurses as disenfranchised women professionals.
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