
Time to Rethink the Default Settings in Neuroscience: Hormonal Transition Periods as Natural Experiments and Why Sex Matters

Verfasst von: Zsido, Rachel G. [weitere]
in: Fundamental questions / Ulla Weber (ed.)
2021 , 27-42 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Zsido, Rachel G.; Sacher, Julia info
In: Fundamental questions / Ulla Weber (ed.)
Jahr: 2021
ISBN: 3848770962
Sprache: Englisch
Diversity drives scientific discovery. Yet, many basic and clinical neuroscience studies fail to include equal numbers of females in their samples, and even fewer present sex-specific analysis of their data. We propose the following strategies to overcome this bias: (1) increase numbers of female study participants, (2) consider sex as a primary variable, and (3) when justified, study all-female samples to provide a more in-depth understanding of female-specific experiences such as the menstrual cycle as well as sex-specific risk trajectories and pathologies. In our research program, we study the influence of sex and sex hormones on brain states in health and disease. We strive to explain the mechanisms underlying the unique vulnerability of women to depression and dementia. Our ultimate goal is to improve brain health for both sexes. By applying scientific expertise in neuropharmacology, quantitative neurochemical imaging and sex differences to traditional research questions in the cognitive sciences, we provide novel perspectives on the diversity of human cognition and brain plasticity.
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