
Wege aus dem Dazwischen: Erzählschemata und Identitätsverhandlungen bei Julya Rabinowich

Verfasst von: Engel, Christine info
in: Kulturen verbinden / Jürgen Fuchsbauer, Wolfgang Stadler, Andrea Zink (Hg.)
2021 , 323-347 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Engel, Christine info
In: Kulturen verbinden / Jürgen Fuchsbauer, Wolfgang Stadler, Andrea Zink (Hg.)
Jahr: 2021
ISBN: 3991060426
Sprache: Deutsch
Julya Rabinowich's novels, six of which have been published so far, are connected by structural and thematic constants, which will be analysed in my contribution. Among thee most important of these are fairy tales and methods of trauma therapy, which the author uses as basic literary devices. The root of the trauma to be dealt with can be traced back to the patriarchal system which impedes the empancipatory steps of the female main characters. The migrant background which makes up the setting in several of Rabinowich's novels is likely to worsen the crises. Consequently, latent or rather tabooed contrasts between cultures, generations, and genders come to a head and get the protagonists into severe conflicts. Only an awareness of the trauma can liberate this "in-between" situation. In the end, this initial step opens the way to coping with trauma by means of matriarchal concepts the strength of which is to reconcile seemingly irreconcilable things.
Enthält Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis auf Seite 345-347
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