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(c) Thomas Kist; Ayaan Hirsi Ali (re.), Frauenrechtlerin, Autorin, Politikerin, von 2003-2006 Abgeordnete im niederlaendischen Parlament, Kritikerin des islamischen Fundamentalismus, geboren in Somalia, Portrait, hier bei Dreharbeiten, zum Kurzfilm "Submission", Niederlande, Amsterdam, 2004, HF [2004, Amsterdam, Netherlands: On May 16, 2006 Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a right-wing Dutch lawmaker and critic of Islam, said she was resigning as a member of parliament and would leave The Netherlands following a furor over lies on her asylum application. "Submission" a ten minute film shown on Dutch television was written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali a Somali-born refugee now a member of the Dutch Parliament. The images in the film are made using make-up but are meant to represent abuses that Muslim women face on a daily basis. The film shows four women who have been "tattooed" with Koranic verse and beaten. The Koranic verses on their wounded flesh states that those found guilty of adultery or sex outside of marriage shall be punished by 100 lashes. The film has caused an outpouring of both praise and outrage. The filmmaker, Theo Van Gogh, whoses intent was to spark social change with Muslim culture, received death threats after it aired on TV. On November 2, 2004, Van Gogh, a distant relative of the famous painter, was stabbed and shot dead in Amsterdam by a Moroccan man. Ayaan Hirsi Ali has also been the subject of death threats since the release of the film. Van Gogh directing a scene, Ali standing on right.. Credit: Thomas Kist / Polaris] (Farbtechnik: sRGB, 17.21 MByte vorhanden) 01145144.000000

Urheberin: Kist, Thomas

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Einrichtung: FrauenMediaTurm | Köln
Urheberin: Kist, Thomas
Bestell-Signatur: FT.10.047
Jahr: 2004
Provenienz: laif
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
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