Buch Monografie

Girls will be girls : A Novella and Short Stories

Verfasst von: Newman,Lesléa
Los Angeles (Kalifornien, USA): Alyson Publications
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Einrichtung: Lesbenarchiv Frankfurt | Frankfurt
Verfasst von: Newman,Lesléa
Ausgabe: 1
ISBN: 1555835376
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
Eleven short stories and a novella make up this collection of fiction. In stories alternately tragic and comic, but always told with heart and wit, lesbian life takes a wide range of forms. "Family is Family" is narrated by a distraught Jewish mother at a PFLAG meeting; "Eggs McMenopause" is told in the voice of a butch in the throes of a mid-life crisis."Whatever Happened to Baby Fane" explores the friendship of a lesbian and a gay man living with AIDS; "Homo Alone" concerns itself with a lesbian visiting her parents for the first time after her girlfriend leaves her for a man. "Girls Will Be Girls" is a novella told in three voices: Gwen, a therapist; Didi, Gwen's girlfriend; and Nicki, Gwen's client and the woman Didi is having an affair with.
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