Buch Monografie

3 Lives

Verfasst von: Stein,Gertrude
New York, N.C.: Vintage Books
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Einrichtung: Lesbenarchiv Frankfurt | Frankfurt
Verfasst von: Stein,Gertrude
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
Three Lives was written in 1905 and was inspired by one of her paintings of Madame Cezanne. Stein claimed that the writing style in Three Lives was attributed to the painting, which hung by her desk while she was writing the book. Three Lives in composed of three separate stories all set in the town of Bridgepoint. The stories are, "The Good Anna," "Melanctha," and "The Gentle Lena." The Good Anna is about, a servant of solid lower middle-class south German stock. Melanchtha is a novella studying the distinctions and blending of race, sex, gender, and female health. The Gentle Lena is the story of a passive girl who marries a German immigrant.
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