Buch Monografie

Vital Lies

Verfasst von: Hart,Ellen
New York: Ballantine Books
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Einrichtung: Lesbenarchiv Frankfurt | Frankfurt
Verfasst von: Hart,Ellen
Ausgabe: 1
ISBN: 3881042377
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
In the second charming Jane Lawless mystery, the winter solstice nears and Jane, a Minneapolis restaurateur, is invited to spend the week at Fothergill Inn, a Victorian house-turned B&B. Jane's old friend Leigh has spent years renovating the house and reopening it as an inn and restaurant. The inn has become so successful that people drive the fifty miles from Minneapolis just for dinner. But when Jane and her best friend, Cordelia, arrive for a week of relaxation, they find that the weekend's guests are anything but pleased, and that relaxing is the furthest thing from their minds.\[W9]\\[W9]\Broken glass litters the parking lot, dead animals turn up in the bedrooms, a bomb scare threatens the lives of the inn's guests--there is no doubt that someone is trying to scare the visitors. Then the pranks take a deadly turn when a customer ends up dead, and Jane must help her friend get to the bottom of these malicious and murderous events--before someone else dies.
Das Buch ist auch in der deutschen Übersetzung "Winterlügen" vorhanden, Dok-Nr. 1541
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