Buch Monografie

Gender, generation and poverty : exploring the "feminisation of poverty" in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Verfasst von: Chant, Sylvia
Cheltenham, Glos. [u. a.]: Elgar , 2007 , 428 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Chant, Sylvia
Jahr: 2007
ISBN: 1843769921
Sprache: Englisch
The 'feminisation of poverty' is widely viewed as a global trend, and of particular concern in developing regions. Yet although popularisation of the term may have raised women's visibility in development discourses and gone some way to 'en-gender' policies for poverty reduction, the construct is only weakly substantiated. Its over-emphasis on income and on female household headship also conveys little of the contemporary complexities of gendered disadvantage. Drawing on case studies from Gambia, Philippines and Costa Rica, the author demonstrates the weaknesses of this concept and calls for a more nuanced approach.
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