
Stroboscopic vision : Deleuze and Cixous

Verfasst von: Bryden, Mary
in: Women
London: 2004 , 320 - 329 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Bryden, Mary
In: Women
Jahr: 2004
Sprache: Englisch
Bryden begins by referring to the controversy that Deleuze and Guattari's notion of 'becoming-woman' has aroused. She analyses the Deleuzian attachment to 'delirium' in language, and traces its appearance in the writing of Helene Cixous. Her consideration of ecriture féminine, and its association (or otherwise) with biological gender, leads into an analysis of the implications of the neuter in writing. Bryden then turns to Deleuze's review of Cixous's novel Neutre. Little known until published recently in a posthumous collection, Deleuze's response to what he calls Cixous's 'stroboscopic' writing shows a remarkable affinity with her complex narrative experimentation.
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