
"The ship that bears through the waves"

Verfasst von: Huffman Traver, Teresa
in: Women's writing
Wallingford: 2010 , 255-267 S.

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Einrichtung: Ariadne | Wien
Verfasst von: Huffman Traver, Teresa
In: Women's writing
Jahr: 2010
Sprache: Englisch
This article highlights the complicated relationships which Charlotte Yonge constructs between foreign mission, British imperial expansion, and England's own impoverished classes. The Daisy Chain (1856), which provides a clear example of the way the theme of missions might be taken up in conjunction with pro-empire sentiment, also suggests something of the complications which could ensue when the two rhetorics were united in one project. This article traces out the way in which The Daisy Chain employs the traditional metaphor of the Christian Church as a ship riding the storms of life. Through the symbol of the ship, the novel constructs naval enterprises, missions, and the Tractarian project of church building as not merely analogous but mutually supporting, such that the “motion” of missionary outreach ultimately works both ways. Just as Anglicanism travels outward toward the colonies, so, in Yonge's understanding, colonial missionary endeavours reach back and shape English Christianity as well and, in so doing, shape English national identity.
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